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傅利葉轉換紅外線光譜儀 FT-IR
True - View- Collect
Simultaneous view and collect sample
Micro Compress Cell with Diamond window
Microscope Heated Cell
Up to -195 to 600 degree C
iN-10 Microscope with iZ-10 Sample Compartment
iN-10 除了是一台獨立的紅外光顯微鏡系統外,可以再連接另一獨立樣品室,以作各項較大樣品的分析或加熱式附件,具有穿透,反射式ATR 等附件可選擇
Thermo Nicolet iN10 FTIR Microscope
•Nicolet iN10 Infrared Microscope
•To measure samples down to a few microns.
•Surface analysis with ATR micro sampling
•Sensitivity enhancement with LN-cooled MCT detector
•Manual or motorized stage
•Best viewing comfort with dual monitor operation
•Enhanced viewing with motorized visible polarizer
•Down to 50 um without MCT Detector
•Down to 30 um with MicroATR with MCT
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