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傅利葉轉換紅外線光譜儀 FT-IR
Thermo FT-Raman Module
The FT-Raman technique allows data collection with no sample preparation and collection from aqueous solutions without strong interference from the water content.
allows non-destructive sampling through thin plastic bags, blister packs or glass bottles without the need to remove or have contact with the samples contained inside.
Interferometer features dynamic alignment for consistent reproducible measurements
XT-KBr beamsplitter allows collection of the whole mid-IR and FT-Raman spectral ranges with a single mouse click and without the need to re-configure or re-align the system.
Almega Dispersive Raman
The system features multiple laser wavelength options for high resolution confocal Raman microscopy and a fully integrated, full-sized Raman sample compartment. All experimental and parameter set-up options are computer controlled for increased ease of use, reliability and speed. The innovative design allows full spectral display and high spectral resolution data collection
The full-sized sample compartment is integrated into the optical path, avoiding the inefficiencies associated with remote compartments that are coupled by fiber optics. The large compartment and selection of sampling accessories can accommodate samples of many shapes and sizes. Sample positioning is rapid and precise using both the sample focus indicator in the sample compartment and real-time spectral feedback with computer controlled positioning.
Visible Raman Microscope
Capabilities offer high spatial resolution and sample mapping to allow fully automated collection of dispersive Raman spectra over a large area of the sample